Utah Solar Incentives and Rebates

Utah offers a variety of solar incentives and rebates to help residents and businesses transition to clean, renewable energy. These incentives range from federal tax credits to state-wide programs and can significantly reduce the cost of installing solar panels.


The Federal Investment Tax Credit in Utah

The Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) is available to residents and businesses in Utah. The ITC allows for a 22% credit on the cost of a solar system, which can be applied to the taxpayer’s federal income tax. This credit is available for systems placed in service by December 31, 2021 and is gradually decreasing thereafter.


The State Tax Credit in Utah

In addition to the federal tax credit, Utah also offers a state tax credit for renewable energy systems. The credit is 25% of the cost of the system, up to $800, for systems placed in service in 2022. In 2023, the credit increases to 40%, but will no longer be available after 2024. More information on the state tax credit can be found on the Utah Governor’s Office of Energy Development website: https://energy.utah.gov/tax-credits/renewable-energy-systems-tax-credit/


State-Wide Solar Initiatives in Utah

Utah also has several state-wide initiatives to promote the use of solar energy. One of these programs is the Rocky Mountain Power Wattsmart Battery Program, which provides rebates for customers who install energy storage systems, such as batteries, in conjunction with their solar panels. The program is limited to Sonnen batteries and conforms to the State’s rules on Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS). Another program offered by Rocky Mountain Power is the Solar Program, which provides a rebate of $400 per kilowatt, with a cap of 30 kilowatts.


State-wide tax exemptions in Utah

Currently, there are no state-wide tax exemptions for solar energy systems in Utah. 


State-Specific Laws on Solar Easements in Utah

Utah Code, Title 57, Chapter 13, covers Solar Easements, which are agreements between property owners that allow for the unobstructed use of sunlight on a property for the purpose of generating electricity.


Net Metering in Utah

The power generated by solar panels in Utah is credited through a process called net metering. Under net metering, any excess electricity generated by a solar system is sent back to the utility grid and the homeowner is credited for the excess energy at the same rate as the energy they purchase from the utility.


Benefits of Going Solar in Utah

Going solar in Utah has many benefits, including reduced electricity bills, increased property value, improved home resale value, and tax incentives. By installing solar panels, homeowners can take advantage of these benefits while also reducing their carbon footprint and contributing to a cleaner, more sustainable energy future.



In conclusion, Utah offers a variety of solar incentives and rebates to help residents and businesses transition to clean, renewable energy. These incentives range from federal tax credits to state-wide programs and can significantly reduce the cost of installing solar panels. With the support of these programs and the many benefits of going solar, now is a great time to consider installing solar panels in Utah.




What is the average cost of Solar in Utah?

The average cost of Solar in Utah is approximately $3.25 per watt.


Are there any tax incentives for Solar in Utah?

Yes, Utah offers a personal tax credit of up to 25% of the qualified solar energy system installation costs, up to a maximum credit of $2,000.


What is the best time to install Solar in Utah?

The optimal time to install Solar in Utah is during the summer months when the sun is most powerful.


What are the benefits of installing Solar in Utah?

The benefits of installing Solar in Utah include reducing your energy bills, reducing your carbon footprint, and increasing the value of your home. Find out more at SolarEmpower.


Are there any regulations or restrictions for Solar in Utah?

Yes, Utah has regulations and restrictions for Solar, including requirements for permitting, inspections, and interconnection with the utility grid. Read expert reviews of verified solar installers in Utah at SolarEmpower.