Delaware Solar Incentives and Rebates

Delaware residents who are looking to invest in solar energy have access to a range of incentives and rebates that can help reduce the cost of installing solar panels on their property. These incentives include federal tax credits and state-wide solar initiatives, as well as net metering regulations that allow homeowners to receive credits for the excess power they generate.


The Federal Investment Tax Credit in Delaware

One of the incentives for Delaware residents who are looking to invest in solar energy is the 30% Federal Investment Tax Credit. This tax credit applies to both residential and commercial solar energy systems, and can be claimed on the homeowner’s federal income tax return. This means that if your solar energy system costs $20,000, your federal solar tax credit would be $20,000 x 30% = $6,000.


State-Level Tax Incentives in Delaware 

Delaware does not currently offer any state-level incentives for solar energy systems. This is because the state has set ambitious targets for renewable energy generation, and believes that the existing federal incentives are sufficient to encourage residents to invest in solar energy. For more information about the state’s renewable energy goals and programs, visit


State-Wide Solar Initiatives in Delaware

Despite the lack of state-level incentives, there are several state-wide solar initiatives in Delaware that can help residents save money on their solar energy systems. One of these initiatives is the Delaware Energy Cooperative, which offers discounted rates on solar energy systems to its members. Additionally, there are several local organizations and nonprofits that offer financial assistance and educational resources to help residents navigate the process of installing solar panels.


State-Wide Tax Exemptions in Delaware

It should be noted that there are no state-wide tax exemptions for solar energy systems in Delaware. However, residents may be able to take advantage of local property tax exemptions, depending on their municipality.


Solar Easements in Delaware

Delaware state law recognizes solar easements, which are agreements between property owners that allow for the installation and maintenance of solar energy systems on one or both properties. According to Delaware Code, An owner of property may install a roof-mounted system for obtaining solar energy on that owner’s property if, no later than 60 days before installing the system, the owner sends notice that the owner intends to install the system to the following:

  • If the property is governed by a maintenance corporation or homeowner’s association, to the applicable maintenance corporation or homeowner’s association and to a neighboring property owner whose property is within 150 feet of the owner’s property line.
  • If the property is not governed by a maintenance corporation or homeowner’s association, to a neighboring property owner whose property is within 150 feet of the owner’s property line.


Net Metering in Delaware

The power generated by solar panels in Delaware is credited through the process of net metering. This means that homeowners can receive credits on their utility bills for the excess power that their solar energy systems generate. These credits can be used to offset the cost of electricity during times when the solar panels are not generating enough power to meet the homeowner’s needs.


Benefits of Going Solar in Delaware

Going solar in Delaware offers a range of benefits for homeowners. One of the most obvious benefits is reduced electricity bills, as homeowners will be able to generate their own power, instead of relying on their utility company. Additionally, investing in solar energy can increase the value of a home, making it more attractive to potential buyers, and may lead to improved home resale value.



In summary, Delaware residents have access to a range of incentives and rebates that can help reduce the cost of installing solar panels on their property. These incentives include federal tax credits and state-wide solar initiatives, as well as net metering regulations that allow homeowners to receive credits for the excess power they generate. Going solar in Delaware not only saves you money on your electricity bill, but also helps the environment, increases property value, improves home resale value and offers tax incentives. It is a smart investment that can pay off in the long term.




Are there incentives for installing solar in Delaware?

Yes, Delaware offers a variety of incentives for installing solar. These include the Solar Renewable Energy Credit (SREC) program, net metering, and the Green Energy Program. Find out more at SolarEmpower.


How much does it cost to install solar in Delaware?

The cost of a solar system depends on many factors, including the size of the system and the type of equipment used. On average, a 5kW system in Delaware can cost between $10,000 to $20,000 before incentives. Read expert reviews of solar companies in Delaware.


What is the average return on investment for solar in Delaware?

Solar systems in Delaware typically provide an average return on investment of around 10-15% depending on the system size and type of equipment used.


How much will I save on my electricity bill by installing solar in Delaware?

The amount of money you will save on your electricity bill will vary depending on the size of the system, the type of equipment used, and the amount of solar energy you produce.


Are there any local solar installers in Delaware?

Yes, there are several local solar installers in Delaware. View reviews of certified solar installers and contractors in your area.