Elevated Independent Energy Review 2024 - CO Solar Specialists?

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Updated on 2023-02-04

Elevated LLC Solar Overview

Elevated is a small-size solar designing and installation company based in Twin Lakes, Colorado. It was founded in 2020 and has grown tremendously, with an approximate net worth of between 2 and 5 million. The company aims to serve quality products to customers willing to pay high prices. It’s BBB accredited with over 25 years of experience.

Elevated offers commercial and residential services to companies and families in the region. It bases its business on providing its clients with quality and customized solar energy. This is reflected by the reviews we trawled from review sites. The company had over 70 positive reviews and one complaint.



Elevated Independent Energy Services and Specifics

Elevated Independent Energy is a vertically integrated company. Meaning it does the installation process for you. They do this by offering:


Solar Panels Offered by Elevated Independent Energy 

The company uses different types of solar panels depending on the customer’s needs. However, they prioritize quality. The solar types offered include:


Monocrystalline: Also known as Mono-SI, these solar panels have high performance with an efficiency rate of 22%. This enables your system to generate more power hours than other panels. These solar panels also have a lower temperature quotient of -0.1, so your panels will still perform in extreme heat without getting damaged easily. Lastly, monocrystalline panels have a higher life span of around 35 years. So by investing in a system of these panels, you guarantee a long-term investment. We recommend using these solar panels despite being expensive. 


Specific Solar System Offered by Elevated Independent Energy

Elevated Independent Energy prioritizes customer needs. The company offers grid-tied and off-grid residential and commercial solar system installation.

The grid-tied system is more affordable because it is connected to the electricity grid and is easy to maintain. Customers prefer this system because it can pay for itself through net metering. Generally, we recommend both systems but advocate for grid-tied for net metering.


Electric Vehicle Charging Station Installation: Elevated Independent Energy offers highly efficient car charging systems like Tesla Wall Chargers for customers with electric cars.



Installation Costs and Processes


Customers reported paying competitive prices based on the quality of products offered by Elevated Independent Energy. Consequently, the company prioritizes quality over costs. Overly, Elevated Independent Energy offers considerable prices per watt in the Denver area. Also, the prices are not fixed, so you can get a good deal with some negotiation.

Combined with the best value pricing, the company has a professional and experienced team that offers top services to customers. However, they have not indicated whether their solar panels qualify for federal tax incentives. Generally, we highly recommend Elevated Independent Energy for its value pricing and quality services despite having indicated its financing options.



The company is legitimate, with important accreditation to prove its legitimacy. Elevated Independent Energy is registered in Florida state and has a BBB+ status. Also, it has a verifiable license from the state licensing board. The company is transparent about its services and contacts, providing its address, phone number, and email.

Additionally, the company is headed by Kyle Judson, an experienced and certified electrician. Elevated Independent Energy seems to be trusted based on its partners. The company is SPAN, Enphase, Tesla, LG certified. Other partners include The Colorado Outdoor Business Alliance (COBRA) and Colorado Public Radio.

In summary, we recommend Elevated Independent Energy for transparency and its accreditations.



Elevated Independent Energy offers detailed maintenance services before and after the installation process. Customers consider them easy to contact and have flexible schedules. The company offers technical support, and its solar panels have a 25-year workmanship warranty.

Generally, we recommend them for their efficient customer support and friendly service.



The SolarEmpower View

In summary, Elevated Solar LLC is a seasoned and knowledgeable company that provides both competitive costs and top-notch solar panels and services in the residential and commercial solar industry. The business holds a California business license and has received certification from both solar product makers and solar experts.

Customers who used Elevated Solar LLC’s services in various databases all gave them top marks. Overall, we believe that Elevated Solar provides good value for money, and as a result, we highly recommend the business based on its pricing strategy, high-quality products, and superior services both before and after installation.

Service Types

Solar Panel Installation

Service Areas

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Are Elevated Independent Energy trustworthy?

Yes, the company has a verifiable license, is BBB accredited and has customer reviews to prove its legitimacy.

Can you cancel a contract with Elevated Independent Energy?

According to Colorado state law, you cannot cancel a contract with a company once you've read, understood, and signed it. Contact Elevated Independent Energy or the attorney directly if you'd like further clarity on whether you signed a contract.

Does Elevated Independent Solar provide a good service?

Yes, from the customer reviews we traced, the company had 5* ratings from all its customer. Also, it's led by experienced solar professionals.

Elevated Independent Energy Solar Details

Workmanship Warranty
10 years
Licensing Information


7000 N Broadway, Suite 205
Denver, CO

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