Study Deems Heat Pumps Twice As Efficient As Fossil Fuel Systems

Updated on September 18, 2023

Study Deems Heat Pumps Twice As Efficient As Fossil Fuel Systems

With the current state of the environment, each of us is trying to do its part in helping the global transition towards sustainable green energy. Not surprisingly, heat pumps emerged as one of the keys in doing so. 

But, the question on everyone’s minds is, are heat pumps as efficient as “traditional” fossil fuel systems? And the most crucial aspect of this question – are they as efficient in lower temperatures, especially well below freezing.

Our today’s report is set on answering this very question!

Analyzing Real-World Performance Data

One of the most recent studies speaking to the efficiency of heat pumps was published in September (of 2023), by Duncan Gibbs (senior adviser at the Regulatory Assistance Project – RAP), Dr Jan Rosenow (principal and director at RAP), Dr Richard Lowes (senior associate at RAP) and Professor Neil Hewitt (head of school at Belfast).

What they did was collect and analyze field studies with real-world performance data on air-pumps

Their findings indicate that (in temperatures below freezing 32, and approaching 14 degrees Fahrenheit/0 and approaching -10 degrees Celsius), heat pumps performed as efficient, or (in some cases) more efficient when compared to fossil fuel or electric resistive heating at an appliance level!

In extremely cold climates (where temperature approaches -22 degrees Fahrenheit/-30 degrees Celsius), data shows that heat pumps can provide heat at efficiencies up to double that of resistive heating.

Heat Pumps in the US

Even though heat pumps are becoming increasingly present in the news, they are not new by any means. In fact, the following percentages might surprise you:

As you can see in the chart, close to 18 million households employ heat pumps across the United States. This number is still small, compared to the number of “traditional” heating sources, but more and more people are deciding to go with this, more eco-friendly way of heating their homes.

The Environmental Benefits of Heat Pumps

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Beyond their efficiency, heat pumps offer significant environmental benefits. Their reliance on electricity allows for integration with renewable energy sources, further reducing carbon emissions. This synergy between heat pumps and renewable energy aligns with the global goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change.

Heat pumps also contribute to the reduction of local air pollution since they do not produce emissions at the point of use, unlike traditional fossil fuel-based heating systems. This not only improves air quality but also enhances public health in areas where heat pumps are widely adopted.

Technological Advancements and Future Prospects

The efficiency and performance of heat pumps are continually improving through technological advancements. Manufacturers are developing more advanced compressor technology, better refrigerants, and smart control systems that optimize heat pump operation in varying weather conditions. These innovations promise even greater efficiency and reliability, especially in extreme cold climates.

Government incentives and regulations are also encouraging the adoption of heat pumps. Various countries offer subsidies, tax credits, and rebates to promote the installation of energy-efficient heating systems, including heat pumps. In addition, stricter energy efficiency standards for buildings are pushing the market toward more sustainable heating solutions.

Heat Pump Incentives in the US

When it comes to buying a heat pump in the United States, the newly introduced Inflation Reduction Act can help you in two ways – rebates and tax credits.

Tax Credits – Starting in 2023, you are eligible for a federal tax credit of 30% or up to $2,000. The only caveat here is that the credit is capped to $2,000 per year, so if you are planning to do any additional energy upgrades, you should space it out (to another year) to enjoy the full tax credit benefits.

Rebates – If you meet the household income requirements, you might qualify for rebates for a heat pump. If you fall under the “low income” group, you can get up to 100% rebate, 50% for “moderate income” group and 30% tax credit for high income households.

<strong>Heat Pump Incentives in the US</strong>


Heat pumps, particularly air-source heat pumps, have proven themselves as efficient and environmentally friendly heating solutions, even in cold climates. Real-world data from field studies demonstrate that they can provide cost-effective and sustainable heating, especially in regions with mild cold winters. In extreme cold climates, specialized cold-climate heat pumps maintain reasonable efficiency levels, making them a viable alternative to traditional heating systems.

As the world continues its transition toward cleaner energy sources, heat pumps are poised to play a pivotal role in reducing carbon emissions and combating climate change. With ongoing technological advancements and supportive policies, the future of heat pumps looks promising, ensuring that they remain a vital tool in the global effort to achieve clean and reliable energy.


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