Wyoming Solar Incentives and Rebates

Wyoming is a state with abundant sunshine and a growing interest in renewable energy, making it an attractive location for individuals and businesses to invest in solar power. From federal investment tax credits to state-wide initiatives, there are a variety of options available to help make solar more affordable and accessible.


The Federal Investment Tax Credit in Wyoming

One of the most significant incentives for solar power in Wyoming is the Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC). The ITC allows individuals and businesses to claim a credit of 22% of the cost of a solar power system on their federal income tax return. This can provide a significant reduction in the overall cost of a solar installation and make it more financially viable for many people.


The State Tax Credit in Wyoming

Unfortunately, there is no state tax credit in Wyoming for solar power systems. However, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department does offer a Habitat Protection Program that might provide relevant resources for your project.


State-wide Solar Initiatives in Wyoming

Wyoming also offers several state-wide solar initiatives that can help reduce the cost of solar installations and make them more accessible. These include local solar rebates and initiatives, Wyoming Solar Financing, and programs offered by utility companies like Black Hills Energy, Carbon Power & Light, Rocky Mountain Power, Lower Valley Energy, and Questar Gas. Additionally, Wyoming does not impose a corporate income tax or state rules on Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS) which can be beneficial for businesses looking to go solar.


State-wide Tax Exemptions in Wyoming

It’s worth noting that there are no state-wide tax exemptions in Wyoming for solar power systems. 


State-specific Laws on Solar Easements in Wyoming

There are no state-specific laws on solar easements in Wyoming, which are agreements that allow for the use of another property for solar power generation.


Net Metering in Wyoming

The power generated by solar panels in Wyoming is credited through a process called net metering. This allows solar panel owners to receive credit on their utility bill for any excess power that is sent back to the grid. This can help offset the cost of solar installation.



In conclusion, Wyoming offers several incentives and rebates for solar power, including the Federal Investment Tax Credit, local solar initiatives, and programs offered by utility companies. The state also has net metering to credit the power generated by solar panels and a variety of benefits going solar can provide, such as reduced electricity bills, increased property value, improved home resale value, and tax incentives. Wyoming is a state with abundant sunshine and a growing interest in renewable energy, making it an attractive location for individuals and businesses to invest in solar power.




Is solar energy a viable option in Wyoming?

Yes, solar energy is a viable option in Wyoming. With abundant sunlight, Wyoming is well-suited for solar energy production. More info at SolarEmpower.


What incentives are available for solar energy in Wyoming?

Incentives for solar energy in Wyoming include net metering, state tax credits, and federal tax credits.


What is the average payback period for solar energy in Wyoming?

The average payback period for solar energy in Wyoming is around 5-7 years.


How much energy can I generate with solar in Wyoming?

The amount of energy you can generate with solar in Wyoming depends on the size of your system and the amount of sunlight available. However, a typical 5kW system can generate around 8,000 kWh per year.


What are the benefits of solar energy in Wyoming?

The benefits of solar energy in Wyoming include reduced electricity costs, increased energy independence, and reduced environmental impacts. Read expert reviews of solar installation companies in Wyoming at SolarEmpower.