South Dakota Solar Incentives and Rebates

South Dakota offers a variety of incentives and rebates to residents who install solar panels on their property. These programs are designed to make solar power more affordable and accessible for individuals and businesses in the state, and ultimately help to increase the use of renewable energy.


The Federal Investment Tax Credit in South Dakota

One of the most significant incentives for solar power in South Dakota is the Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC). This credit allows individuals and businesses to claim 22% of the cost of their solar panel system as a tax credit on their federal income tax return. This can be a significant savings for those who are investing in solar power.


The State Tax Credit in South Dakota

South Dakota does not currently offer a state tax credit for solar power. However, more information about the state’s solar policies can be found on the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission’s website at


State-wide Solar Initiatives in South Dakota

In addition to the federal tax credit, South Dakota also has several state-wide solar initiatives in place. Local incentives and rebates are available to residents who install solar panels on their property. These incentives can vary depending on the location and utility company. Additionally, South Dakota does not impose a corporate income tax or state rules on the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS), making it a more favorable state for businesses to invest in solar power. For more information on the state’s solar initiatives, visit


State-wide Tax Exemptions in South Dakota

Another way South Dakota supports solar power is through tax exemptions. The state allows for an exemption of either $50,000 or 70% of the total property value for solar panels installed on the property. This can be a significant savings for those looking to install solar panels on their property.


State-Specific Laws on Solar Easements in South Dakota

Currently, there are no state-specific laws on Solar Easements in South Dakota. Solar Easements are legal agreements between property owners that allow for the continued access to sunlight for solar panels.


Net Metering in South Dakota

The power generated by solar panels in South Dakota is credited through a process called Net Metering. This system allows individuals and businesses to receive credit for any excess power generated by their solar panel system and sent back to the grid, which can then be applied to future electricity bills, effectively reducing the cost of electricity for those with solar panels.


Benefits of Going Solar in South Dakota

Installing solar panels in South Dakota offers a variety of benefits, including reduced electricity bills, increased property value, improved home resale value, and tax incentives. By investing in solar power, residents and businesses can not only save money on their electricity bills, but they can also contribute to the state’s efforts to increase the use of renewable energy.



In conclusion, South Dakota offers a variety of incentives and rebates for residents and businesses looking to install solar panels on their property. These programs, along with the state’s favorable tax policies, make it an attractive state for those looking to invest in solar power. By taking advantage of these incentives and rebates, individuals and businesses can save money on their electricity bills, increase the value of their property, and contribute to the state’s efforts to increase the use of renewable energy.




Is solar power viable in South Dakota?

Yes, solar power is viable in South Dakota. The state has abundant sunshine and numerous incentives for solar energy users. Find out more at SolarEmpower.


What incentives are available for solar in South Dakota?

South Dakota offers net metering, tax credits, and a renewable energy standard for solar energy users.


How much does solar cost in South Dakota?

The cost of solar in South Dakota varies depending on the size of the system, the type of equipment used, and any available incentives.


How much energy can I produce with solar in South Dakota?

The amount of energy that can be produced with solar in South Dakota depends on the size of the system and the amount of sunshine available.


Are there any solar installers in South Dakota?

Yes, there are several solar installers in South Dakota. It is important to research and compare installers to ensure you get the best value for your money. Find expert reviews of verified solar installers in South Dakota at SolarEmpower.