South Carolina Solar Incentives and Rebates

South Carolina is a great place for solar energy, with plenty of sunshine and a variety of incentives and rebates to help residents and businesses go solar. The state’s solar initiatives are designed to make it easier and more affordable for people to install solar panels on their homes and businesses, and to encourage the growth of the solar industry in the state.


The Federal Investment Tax Credit in South Carolina

The ITC is a federal tax credit that allows homeowners and businesses to deduct 22% of the cost of installing a solar energy system from their federal taxes. This credit is available to anyone who installs a solar energy system on their property, regardless of whether they are a homeowner or a business owner.


The State Tax Credit in South Carolina

In addition to the federal tax credit, South Carolina also offers a state tax credit of 25% (up to $3500) for solar energy systems. This credit is available to anyone who installs a solar energy system on their property, whether they are a homeowner or a business owner. More information can be found on the South Carolina Solar Council website at


State-wide Solar Initiatives in South Carolina

South Carolina has a variety of state-wide solar initiatives that are designed to make it easier and more affordable for people to install solar panels on their homes and businesses. Some of the most popular initiatives include:


Local Incentives and Rebates: Many local governments in South Carolina offer incentives and rebates for solar energy systems. These incentives and rebates can vary depending on the location, so it is important to check with your local government to see what is available.


Duke Energy: Duke Energy offers rebates of $100-$450 for solar energy systems via its Progress Energy Carolinas program.


Palmetto Electric: Palmetto Electric offers a rebate of $1000 per household for ground-source heat pumps via its Buried Treasure Rebate Program.


Santee Cooper: Santee Cooper offers a rebate of $1.05 per watt of solar energy upon installation on roof up to $6300.


It’s important to note that South Carolina does not conform to State rules on Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS), which is a method of depreciation that allows for faster write-offs of the cost of solar energy systems.


State-wide Tax Exemptions in South Carolina

There are no state-wide tax exemptions in South Carolina for solar energy systems.


State-Specific Laws on Solar Easements in South Carolina 

There are no state-specific laws on solar easements in South Carolina. A solar easement is a legal agreement that guarantees a property owner access to sunlight, typically for the purposes of generating solar energy.


Net Metering in South Carolina

The power generated by solar panels in South Carolina is credited through net metering. Net metering allows homeowners and businesses with solar energy systems to send excess electricity back to the grid, and to receive credit on their utility bill for the power they generate.


Benefits of Going Solar in South Carolina

There are many benefits to going solar in South Carolina, including reduced electricity bills, increased property value, improved home resale value, and tax incentives. By installing a solar energy system, homeowners and businesses can save money on their electricity bills, and can also increase the value of their property. Additionally, the state’s solar initiatives make it more affordable to install solar panels, which can help to make solar energy more accessible to more people.



South Carolina has a variety of incentives and rebates for solar energy systems which makes it an attractive state for solar energy. Net metering allows residents to benefit from the power generated by their solar panels. The benefits of going solar include reduced electricity bills, increased property value and improved home resale value, as well as tax incentives. Therefore, it is a wise decision for residents to consider going solar in South Carolina.




Is solar energy available in South Carolina?

Yes, solar energy is available in South Carolina.


Are there any incentives or rebates for installing solar in South Carolina?

Yes, South Carolina offers a 25% state tax credit for the cost of installing solar energy systems, up to a maximum of $3,500.


What is the average payback period for solar in South Carolina?

The average payback period for solar in South Carolina is approximately 6 to 8 years.


Are there any net metering policies in South Carolina?

Yes, South Carolina offers a net metering policy for solar customers, allowing them to receive credit for excess energy generated by their system.


Are there any community solar options in South Carolina?

Yes, there are several community solar options available in South Carolina, including subscription-based programs. Find expert reviews of verified installers in South Carolina at SolarEmpower.