North Dakota Solar Incentives and Rebates

North Dakota is a state that is blessed with ample sunshine throughout the year, making it an ideal location for solar power generation. In recent years, the state has implemented several solar incentives and rebates to encourage homeowners and businesses to invest in solar energy. These incentives and rebates are aimed at making solar power more affordable and accessible to the people of North Dakota.


The Federal Investment Tax Credit in North Dakota

One of the most significant solar incentives in North Dakota is the Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC). The ITC is a federal tax credit that allows homeowners and businesses to claim a credit of 22% of the cost of their solar energy system on their federal income tax return. This credit is available to both residential and commercial solar energy systems and is a powerful incentive to invest in solar power.


State-Level Tax Incentives in North Dakota

North Dakota does not currently have a state tax credit for solar energy systems. The Energy Infrastructure and Impact Office (EIIO) of the North Dakota Department of Land Management provides information on this topic:


State-wide solar initiatives in North Dakota

State-wide solar initiatives in North Dakota include the North Dakota Solar/Wind Easements and Laws, Xcel Energy Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Programs, and the Otter Tail Power Company Energy Efficiency Rebate Program. These initiatives are designed to make it easier and more affordable for homeowners and businesses to invest in solar energy. 

The Otter Tail Power Company Energy Efficiency Rebate Program offers rebates of $25 to $1400 for solar energy systems, and the state’s solar initiatives conform to the State’s rules on Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS).


State-wide tax exemptions in North Dakota

North Dakota also offers state-wide tax exemptions for solar energy systems. These exemptions provide full exemption for 5 years for property taxes on solar energy systems, making it more affordable for homeowners and businesses to invest in solar power.


State-specific laws on Solar Easements in North Dakota

North Dakota does not have any state-specific laws on solar easements. However, the state’s solar initiatives do provide for the protection of solar energy systems from shading by trees and other structures.


Net Metering in North Dakota

The power generated by solar panels in North Dakota is credited through a process known as net metering. Net metering allows homeowners and businesses to receive credit on their utility bills for any excess power that their solar energy systems generate.


Benefits of Going Solar in North Dakota

There are many benefits to going solar in North Dakota. These include reduced electricity bills, increased property value, improved home resale value, and tax incentives. Solar energy systems can help homeowners and businesses save money on their electricity bills, and the increased property value and improved home resale value can make it more affordable to invest in solar power.



In conclusion, North Dakota offers a range of incentives and rebates to encourage homeowners and businesses to invest in solar energy. The state’s solar initiatives, tax exemptions, and net metering policies make it more affordable and accessible to invest in solar power. With its ample sunshine and strong solar incentives, North Dakota is an ideal location for solar power generation.



Is Solar Energy a Viable Option in North Dakota?

Yes, solar energy is a viable option in North Dakota. Incentives, tax credits and other programs are available to help lower the cost of installing solar in the state.


What Incentives are Available for Solar in North Dakota?

North Dakota has a variety of incentives and tax credits available to help make solar more affordable. These include the Solar Energy System Tax Credit and Solar Renewable Energy Credits.


How Many Hours of Sunlight are Available for Solar in North Dakota?

North Dakota has an average of 4.4 hours of peak sunlight per day, making it a great location for solar energy production.


Are Solar Panels Expensive to Install in North Dakota?

Solar panels are an investment, but with the help of available incentives, tax credits and other programs, the cost of installation can be significantly reduced. Find expert reviews of verified solar installers in North Dakota at SolarEmpower.


Is Solar Energy Reliable in North Dakota?

Yes, solar energy is a reliable source of energy in North Dakota. With the help of modern technology, solar energy systems are designed to work reliably even in less-than-ideal weather conditions.