Latest blog posts by tag "Wood pellets"

Are pellet stoves worth it? How Pellet Stoves Work FAQ Are pellet stoves worth it? How Pellet Stoves Work FAQ
Are wood pellet stoves worth it? Pellet stoves are worth it when you consider that a 40 000Btu pellet stove will generate enough heat to warm the average 3 bedroom house up to 25% cheaper than a conventional wood stove. Pellet sto...
Jim Bruce Jim Bruce January 26, 2023
Can You Burn Wood in A Pellet Stove? Can You Burn Wood in A Pellet Stove?
Can you burn any kind of wood in a pellet stove? Wood used for kindling or logs cannot be used in a pellet stove. Pellet stoves can only burn pellets of a specific size, depending on the stove model. The wood use in pellet burners...
Jim Bruce Jim Bruce October 11, 2022