How Much Solar Would It Take to Power a House? Everything You Need to Know

Updated on November 14, 2022

A 250W solar panel can generate about 1.5 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy per day and the average American household uses about 28.9 kWh of energy per day. The average family in the United States consumes 10,715 kWh of energy each year. If you used 250-watt solar panels, it would take 28-34 solar panels to power a house.

In the past, solar power was mostly used by people who lived off the grid. However, with the falling cost of solar panels and the increasing efficiency of solar technology, more and more people are making the switch to solar power.

Homeowners are drawn to solar energy because it can save them money on their energy bills. Business owners are attracted to solar power because it is a clean and renewable energy source. For anyone concerned about climate change, solar power is a great way to reduce their carbon footprint.

As more people learn about the benefits of solar power, this clean and renewable source of energy will only become more popular in the years to come.

How Much Solar Would It Take to Power your House?

How Many Solar Panels Do You Need to Run a House Off-Grid

So we know that the average home uses about 10,715 kilowatts of energy per year. And, in order to completely offset this usage with solar panels, you’ll need about 28-34 solar panels installed on your roof.

However, the number of solar panels you need to run your house off-grid will vary depending on several factors, including the size and orientation of your roof, the climate you live in, and how much energy your home uses.

Home energy consumption – 10 US States compared


Average kWh used per month

Ave kWh used per day

Solar required for 100% energy used (kW)
































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Most homes will require between 25 and 35 solar panels to run entirely off the grid. Even if you can’t offset your entire energy usage with solar panels, every panel you install will help reduce your carbon footprint and move us all closer to a more sustainable future.

Do off-grid solar panels need batteries?

Batteries are also needed to run your home off-grid, as solar panels cannot generate electricity at night. The battery capacity depends on hour many hours autonomy you need. Use the solar battery calculator below to work out how much off-grid storage capacity you would need for your home.

How many batteries do I need for off-grid solar? Off-grid solar battery calculator

Solar battery calculation for off-grid home in Houston, Texas

Backup For 24 Hours


Measurement Units

Total load for 24 hours backup


Watt-hours (Wh)

Battery bank voltage



Total amp-hour rating


amp-hours (Ah)

Required Batteries (60% DOD) Lead-Acid

583/0.6 = 1041


Number of lead-acid batteries @250Ah each


Required Batteries (80% DOD) Lithium Iron Phosphate

583/0.8 = 729


Number of Lithium batteries batteries @250Ah each



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How Much Do Solar Panels Cost for a 1,500 Square Foot House?

When it comes to solar panels, bigger is not always better. The ideal size for a solar panel system will depend on the climate, the average amount of sunlight available, and your home’s energy needs.

Solar panels for a 1,500 square foot house on average cost about $18,500, with prices ranging from $9,255 to $24,552 in the US (2020). While this upfront cost may seem steep, it is essential to remember that solar panels have a payback period of just 5-8 years.

After that, they will continue to produce free electricity for decades to come. Investing in solar panels is one of the most forward-thinking decisions you can make for your home.

How much does a basic solar system cost?



Solar required for 100% energy used (kW)

Installation price Per Watt ($) 2021




































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How Many Solar Panels Do You Need to Power a House – Calculator

A solar panel calculator is a great way to determine how many panels you need to power your home. However, you’ll need to gather some crucial information before using a solar panel calculator. 

First, you’ll want to find out the average amount of sunlight your area receives. This information can be found online or at your local weather station. Second, research the wattage of the solar panels you are considering. The average solar panel produces about 170 to 350 watts of power every hour.

Finally, you’ll need to know the daily kWh usage of your home. You can see this information on your electricity bill. With this information you can use a solar panel calculator to determine how many panels you will need to power your home.

Domestic Solar Calculator: How Many Solar Panels To Run A House?

How Many Solar Panels Do You Need for a Four-bedroom House?

As you can probably guess, the number of solar panels you need to power a four-bedroom house depends on several factors: the size of your home, the surface area of your roof, how much sunlight your roof gets, and how much electricity your household uses.

A general rule of thumb is that you’ll need about one panel for every 100 square feet of roof space. So for a typical four-bedroom house with 2,000 square feet of roof space, you would need 21 panels. However, if you live in an area with lots of sunlight and low electricity usage, you could get by with fewer panels.

Conversely, if you live in a cloudy area and have a high electricity usage, you might need more panels. Ultimately, the best way to determine how many solar panels you need is to consult with a solar installer.

How Many Solar Panels Do You Need for a 2,000 sq ft House?

Again, it depends. For a 2,000 square foot residence, a solar array of 4,000 watts would be permitted. A system of this size could include anywhere from 12 to 18 solar panels, depending on the type of panel you choose.

But remember, if you live in a sunny area with low electricity usage, you could get by with fewer panels. Whereas if you live in a cloudy area with high electricity use, you might need more panels.

<strong>How Many Solar Panels Do You Need for a 2,000 sq ft House?</strong>

How many Solar Panels do I need for a 1000kwh per month usage?

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The average American household uses about 1000kWh per month. If you live in an area with lots of sunlight and low electricity usage, you could get by with as few as 27 panels.

However, you might need more panels if you live in a cloudy area with high electricity usage. Ultimately, the best way to determine how many solar panels you need is to consult with a solar panel expert.

Solar Power per Square Meter Calculator?

The Solar Power per Square Meter Calculator is a great way to see how much solar power you can generate with a given amount of space. It’s simple to use – just enter the size of your roof in square meters, and the calculator will do the rest.

The results are shown in kilowatts peak (kWp), the standard measure of solar power output. The calculator considers the angle of your roof and your location’s latitude.

How Much Does a Solar Panel Cost?

The average cost of a solar panel is about $1 per solar watt, with prices ranging between $3,500 to $35,000 for a complete solar system. The price of solar panels also varies depending on the panel type, with monocrystalline panels being the priciest and polycrystalline panels being the least expensive.

Monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels compared





Up to 22%

About 15%


25 to 30 years

20 to 25 years




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Domestic Solar Panel Cost Calculator

What are the Benefits of Solar Power?

As you know, solar power is one of the most popular renewable energy sources globally. Solar power is becoming increasingly popular as it is a clean and environmentally friendly energy source. Solar power is a very reliable source of energy and can last for many years with little maintenance.

A typical home solar panel system can offset approximately 1 ton of carbon dioxide per year, the equivalent of planting 20 trees. Solar panels do not produce any greenhouse gasses, making them a green option for generating electricity. Solar power is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint.

Solar power is also a very cost-effective way of generating electricity. Solar panels can produce more electricity per square meter than any other energy source. The initial cost of solar panels may be high, but they will eventually pay for themselves through the savings on your electricity bill. 

What are the Disadvantages of Solar Power?

  • Solar output is dependent on the weather
  • Initial installation cost is high
  • Large area needed for big solar panel installations
  • Visually unappealing

Solar power is one of the most popular forms of renewable energy, and for good reason. Nevertheless, solar power does have its drawbacks. One of the biggest challenges with solar power is that the amount of electricity that a solar panel can produce depends on hours of sunlight. If it is cloudy or raining, the board will produce less electricity. This can be a problem in locations with long winters..

Another disadvantage of solar power is that it is more expensive than other forms of energy, like coal and natural gas. As a result, it may take longer for people to recoup their investment in solar panels.

Solar power requires a lot of space. A typical solar panel is about two square meters and you need about 21 boards to power a typical two-thousand square foot house. This can be a problem for people with smaller properties.

Lastly, solar panels can be visually unappealing. Some people feel that solar panels are an eyesore, and they may not want to have them on their property.

All in all, solar power is an excellent option for renewable energy. As with any big investment, it is essential to weigh the pros and cons before making your final decision. Solar power may not suit everyone, but it is worth considering.

Conclusion – is powering a house with solar a good option?

Solar power is a great alternative energy source for homes and businesses. It is becoming increasingly popular as the cost of solar panels decreases and awareness of the environmental benefits increases. Solar power is clean, emissions-free, and sustainable.

We hope this article satisfied your curiosity about how much solar it would take to power a house. If you’re thinking about switching to solar, it’s important to do your research and figure out how much solar power you’ll need to generate all the electricity your home consumes.

Resources relating to sizing solar panels for a house

Solar Power for Your Home – Stanford

How Many Solar Panels Do I Need? | The Eco Experts

Homeowner’s Guide to Going Solar | Department of Energy

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